Geography | History | Mother Language
Pedagogic content
New competencies targeted
- Understand the concept of migration and migrant issues
- Develop some arguments on “Why do people move from their lands ?” (drivers)
- Reflect on stereotypes associated with migration
- Deconstruct prejudices and find solutions in order to act.
The teacher prints the photos from the document or presents the pdf from a computer (representing money, love, studies, war, religion, health, insecurity, work, retirement/old age, family, desire to discover another culture, obstacle to freedom of expression, sexuality or gender identity, identity / groups of belonging, hunger, water, climate):
The teacher asks the participants what the term "migration" means to them. Note on the board all the propositions without rephrasing
The teacher can help the group by asking a few questions such as: Who is affected? Why ? How? What ?
The teacher can help the group by asking a few questions such as: Who is affected? Why ? How? What ?
The teacher asks participants to mentally choose a photo that answers the question:
What do you think makes people migrate?
- Indoors, students do not move.
- Outdoors, they move in pairs (randomly) to watch the photos, keeping a space of five feets between them.
The teacher asks from the students to prepare individually an answer to the following questions:
- How would you describe the chosen photo?
- What does it represents?
- Why did you choose it?
- Each participant explains his/her choice.
Following each presentation, a discussion can take place, for example starting from the question: Does anyone wants to add a reflection about this photo?
The teacher can suggest that participants rank their proposals according to whether they find them positive or negative, and then the student writes them on the board
The teacher asks what do they think of this distribution
Once the whole group has expressed itself, the teacher can pick up the photos that were not chosen and asks the group what they represent and the reasons why no one chose them.
- Are there any reasons for migration that surprised you? Why ?
- When we talk about migration, do we think of all these reasons for leaving? Why?
- How could we define the term migration?
- Do you know people (family, friends – even inland moves) who migrate and why?
The teacher explains the meaning of some definitions and words relevant to migration (migration, refugee, illegal etc.) from
The conclusion of this activity could be to listen to a traditional well known immigration song or to talk about birds migration to feel that migration exists with life, from the beginning of the world.
Additional Info
Type of Activity: | Experimental activities, Exhibition, Information research |
Target Audience: | From 14 years old |
Place: | Classroom, Outside space |
Material need: |
Board markers or paperboard printer computer |
Duration of Activity: |
2 hours |
Authorship and ressources conditions to use: | Amnesty International France |
Links: | |
Note by Author: | A lot of questions can be ask during these activities; do not hesitate to read the pedagogical kit with all the definitions before hosting this activity. |
Topic of this Experiences: | Politics and Governance |
Additional resources: | Pdf Version |