CPIE Bastia U Marinu

CPIE Bastia U Marinu is a non-profit association created in 1994 and labeled as CPIE (Centre Permanent d'Initiative pour l'Environnement) Bastia Golo Méditerranée in 2002. Its main objectives are environmental awareness and education, scientific observation and participatory sciences.

It also supports territories in the service of public policies by combining the Mediterranean, sustainable development and education. Located in Bastia, Corsica, it acts at the local level, as well as the national and international level by promoting the networking of similar structures.

Each year, it supports schools to educate children about their environment. It raises public awareness of environmental issues, such as biodiversity or waste, by organizing events and awareness campaigns. It organizes and contributes to participatory and collaborative observatories on maritime or land themes.

WEB SITE:  http://www.umarinu.com

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Hellenic Centre for Marine Research

The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) is a governmental research organization operating under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI) of the Greek Ministry of Development.

It aims to carry out scientific and technological research, and experimental development, dissemination and implementation of produced results, especially in the fields of study and protection of the hydrosphere, its organisms, its interface with the atmosphere, the coast and the sea bottom, the physical, chemical, biological and geological conditions that prevail and regulate the above mentioned systems with the:

  1. production of products and supply of services
  2. support of decision-making concerning the general public, the economy and culture and
  3. economical exploitation either by the HCMR and/or by its employees or by third parties.

As concerns the education activities of HCMR, the aforementioned facilities are used to expand throughout all levels of education from primary education to university level research aiming to promote marine and inland water science and inspire the next generation of environmentalists.

WEB SITE:  https://www.hcmr.gr

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Consell de Mallorca
Sustainability and environment department

Consell de Mallorca is a supra municipal public entity with government and administrative functions, representative of Mallorca Island (Balearic Islands, ES). Its Sustainability and Environment department bring to the MED-Educ project its experience in:

  • Planning and implementation of environmental education programs addressed to schools.
  • Study and promotion of maritime heritage such as shipbuilder trade, lateen sailing, etc.
  • Designing and management of hiking routes to discover the natural and cultural coastal environment.
  • European cooperation in projects related to environment, culture, waste and recycling issues.

WEB SITE:  https://www.conselldemallorca.cat

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Petra Patrimonia

Petra Patrimonia is an activity and employment cooperative for people who want to create their own business.

However, Petra Patrimonia goes further than incubators by offering project leaders a structure and status through the Business Project Support Contract (CAPE). At the end of a test period (3 years max), or during it, and if the viability of the project is proven, the project leader can create his own business or become a salaried associate entrepreneur with the possibility of becoming a member of the cooperative.

Petra Patrimonia has different sectors of activity, including Maritima, which is dedicated to the maritime heritage and sea trades. In addition to providing support to project leaders, Maritima leads a number of structuring projects that meet the challenges of sustainable maritime development.

WEB SITE:  http://cde-petrapatrimonia.com/

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‘G. Garibaldi’ High School

“Giuseppe Garibaldi” High School was founded on 1 September 2012, merging two existing high school, Liceo Classico Statale “G. Garibaldi” and Nautical Technical Institute ”Domenico Millelire”.

Over the years, “G. Garibaldi” High School has built an excellent reputation thanks to the quality and the commitment of its teaching personnel that have consistently produced a great number of students, many of whom have excelled throughout their career as accademics and in top managerial roles after achieving their degree.

The school’s main objective has always been to proactively channel each student according to his personal attitude and specific talents in order to maximise his own potential.

The focus of “G.Garibaldi” High School has always been to provide its
students with well defined skills and know-how in order to pave their way to higher education and their professional careers.

The school’s motto can be defined in three words: knoledge, competence and commitment.

Currently, “G.Garibaldi” High School’s teaching include: Classical, Scientific, Foreign Languages, Human Sciences and Logistic.

WEB SITE:  http://www.iisgaribaldi.it


Med. O.R.O.

We are an Italian organization that has its own mission in promoting local sustainable development, social cohesion, international cooperation and above all youth – through self-employment.

Over 15 years of activity, we have promoted and managed, directly or in partnership with Public and Private Entities, numerous training, territorial development and transnational cooperation projects.

Therefore we know very well the following Funds and Programs: ERDF, ESF, FIFG, Urban, Archimed, Medocc, 3C West, Grundtvig, Ita-Malta, EIE, EAGGF, Erasmus+.

We believe that youth work and youth employment pass through engagement and dialogue between educational institutions, families and businesses.

We are committed to promoting the involvement of public institutions and local actors who are protagonists of development processes and, in particular, to facilitate the participation of the main actors involved in the "education-training-work-entrepreneurship" chain, to the initiatives of territorial cooperation, youth mobility, design and experimentation of innovative and valued European training tools.

WEB SITE:  http://www.medoroscarl.eu

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Pučišća Elementary School

Pučišća Elementary School is located in small town of Pučišća, island of Brač, Croatia, implementing an eight-year general education program for students from 6 to 14 years old.

The school strives to provide quality education to its students, applying the creative approach to teaching.

Contents of teaching are often related to heritage topics, but also compatible with the place and time in which students live, and are addressed in a cross-curricular manner as much as possible. Processing a particular topic through different subjects makes the learning process more interesting and efficient.

Creative models of teaching that dominate in the school – project, experiential and research teaching – also contribute to a better understanding of teaching contents and increase students’ motivation.

WEB SITE:  http://os-pucisca.skole.hr

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