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Pedagogic content

  • Natural hazards / risks / disasters
  • Local development


This activity can only take place after teacher's presentation on the families of major natural hazards and their potential consequences.  Summary of the project: After a general presentation on major natural hazards given in class, students research information on the major natural hazards to which their town is exposed in order to produce an information pack and identify preventive measures.

New competencies targeted


  • Ιdentify local major natural hazards
  • Understand the concept of major natural hazards
  • Find and understand the information needed to identify the major risks to which they are exposed
  • Know the means implemented to limit the impacts.



No specific preparation required. Students will have to carry out research on the internet and in their town, it may be useful to prepare some documentary resources beforehand to facilitate their work (list of websites, extracts from newspapers, list of organizations potential resources).


Following the work done in class on major natural hazards, get the students together in groups of 3 or 4 and ask them to carry out a research file on a major hazard, specifying in particular whether this risk is present in the town (choose among: forest fires, flood, landslide, earthquake, volcanism, storm etc.).


The file must be carried out over a minimum period of 1 month during 3 class sessions (minimum) and as much homework time as desired by the students. If possible, provide them with research leads (accessible via internet, the school library, the town hall, civil security, etc.)


Instructions for the composition of the file:

  • Give a definition of the major risks and then of the chosen risk
  • How does it manifest itself? What does it look like?
  • Find a past example and detail it, preferably around your living area [or in the Mediterranean basin for example]: place, date, number of victims, course of events etc.
  • Which measures (technical and also information/education) should be taken to prevent this risk?
  • What are the instructions to be observed by the population in the face of this hazard?
  • Is your town affected by this risk? Justify your answer.

The work must be presented with care, the text must be personal, without copying the documentary sources verbatim. Pay attention to the spelling.

The file must contain:

  • If possible, a local or even regional example (around the living area)
  • Photos, drawings, infographics
  • Extracts from press articles
  • Maps, plans for easy location

The teacher supervises group work during the class sessions. Establish regular progress points with students during their personal research. During their research, students can conduct interviews with firefighters, elected officials, elders, etc. If necessary, help them to create an interview framework.


At the end of the work, plan restitution sessions of about 15 minutes per group of students.

Additional Info

Type of Activity: Information research, Project
Target Audience: From 13 years old
Place: Classroom, School library
Material need: Computers with internet connection
Printers if available
Duration of Activity: PREPARATION:

1 hour


4 to 6 hours Around 4 to 6 sessions from 1 hour each and working time outdoor and/or at home

Authorship and ressources conditions to use: IFFO-RME No authorization required
Note by Author:

This activity allows students to build a methodology of personal documentary research and interviews. It requires time for the students, and personalised support to help them carry out their research. A specific time can be reserved for documentary research on security plans and mitigation measures.

Topic of this Experiences: Natural hazards in the Mediterranean Basin
Additional resources: Pdf Version