Biology | Chemistry | Computer science | Foreign language | Geography | Mother Language | Physics

Pedagogic content

  • Ecosystem, Biodiversity
  • Biotic factor, Abiotic factors
  • Oxygen,nutrients, temperature, salinity, solar energy
  • Substrate, aerial exposure, depth, foodwebs.
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Natural Heritage and Cultural Heritage


Good skills on computer tools  Educator should introduce a vocabulary including items like: ecosystems, abiotic factors, biotic factors, food chain, food web, MPAs, endemic species, etc. for discussion with students.

New competencies targeted


  • Describe and identify 4 examples of MPAs in Mediterranean Sea
  • Explore some Marine Protected Areas and perceive  the importance of Marine Protected Areas
  • Explain how the MPAs contribute to natural, economic, or cultural resources
  • List ways that humans interact with and impact MPAs



(in the ICT lab, or classroom)
Educator should introduce a vocabulary including items like: ecosystems, abiotic factors, biotic factors, food chain, food web, MPAs, endemic species, etc. for discussion with students.


(in the ICT lab, or class room)
Students will divide in small groups and they will use Google Earth to explore 2-4 Marine Protected Areas in Mediterranean Sea.


Educator should demonstrate for students how to download the Marine Protected Areas layer as a .kml file. After downloading, he /she should  select the Marine Protected Areas layer, and demonstrates how to locate and explore MPAs around the world. He/ she should show students the icon they are looking for and how to examine the photos, videos, and stories that accompany each location.


Students will keep information in a worksheet about their MPAs. More specific they should note the name and the location of the MPA the ecosystem type, and the purpose of the MPA.


Students, will create a poster or a ppt  to present their examples to the rest of the class and share with them the information.


Students and educators discuss with an expert (e.g. marine researcher  from HCMR, through skype) about their conclusions for the importance of MPAs and the humans interaction and impact to marine ecosystems


Students and educators discuss with an expert (e.g. marine researcher  from HCMR, through skype) about their conclusions for the importance of MPAs and the humans interaction and impact to marine ecosystems


Alternative, students exhibit their posters, or present their ppt to the rest of the school community and their parents and inform them about the importance of MPAs in Mediterranean Basin and the value provided to the society

Additional Info

Type of Activity: Exhibition, Information research, Project, Publication
Target Audience: From 12 years old
Place: Classroom, ICT laboratory
Material need: Computer, access to internet, access to google earth images, skype connection, printer, tablets, worksheets
Duration of Activity: IMPLEMENTATION:

2 - 4 hours

Authorship and ressources conditions to use: HCMR (Education Unit) No authorization required
Note by Author:


Topic of this Experiences: Biodiversity
Additional resources: Pdf Version