Art | Geography | Geology | History | Mathematics

Pedagogic content

  • Traditional architecture
  • Drywall
  • Double drystone wall
  • architectural heritage


Knowing elements of the cultural landscape

New competencies targeted


  • Explain the role of stone in the traditional architecture of the homeland.
  • Connect living conditions with traditional art.
  • Specify the characteristics of stone as building materials.
  • Identify and name the stone buildings in the homeland.
  • Describe the process of building fence walls.
  • Name traditional names of different stone shapes.
  • Explain the role of the stone pile in nature.



(in the classroom):
students list natural materials in the homeland, they focus on the stone.
They discuss about karst landscape (advantages/disadvantages). Students name the stone buildings in the homeland, the teacher follows everything with appropriate photographs.
We recognize the oldest buildings in the homeland.
We analyze them, conclude that they are all made of stone, we conclude that it is the most accessible material in the landscape and that it is very suitable for construction (durability, strength, design ability, conductivity, aesthetic value etc.)


(preparing for going outside the classroom)
The teacher invites students to focus their attention on the photographs of the buildings we previously discussed.
Shows photos of the island landscape, invites students to describe buildings of the same style that are not shown in the photos but know them.
In the end, they conclude that most of the old stone structures were built using drywall technique.
Together they make the definition of drywall.
Drywall is a construction created by stacking stones without using connective material.


(Going outside, observation)
Students  are divided into three groups, each group observes different types of drywall structures:

GROUP A Exploring double drystone fence walls.
GROUP B Exploring single drystone fence walls.
GROUP C Exploring the stone walls of medieval houses.

All three groups do the research according to the following tasks:
Measure the width of the drywall. 
Looking at the horizontal cross-section determine how many longitudinal rows of stones are there.
Look at the front of the built-in stone and determine if the stone embedded in the drywall is carved/sculpted.
Study the shape and size of the built-in stones.
If stones of different size are installed, study the layout, where larger stones are placed, and where smaller.
Explore and determine how hollow the dry stone walls are (if a rabbit / mouse / bird / wind can pass through them ...)
Given the predetermined characteristics of the drywall and the environment in which it is located, what was the function of the drywall. 
With a picturesque expression, demonstrate your impression of the observed drywall (powerful, fluttering, playful, lacy...)


The groups report on the tasks performed and the results of their research. In further discussions between students and teacher they will compare the types of drywall explored and the differences in structure and texture observed.
They determine the causes of the observed differences (type of material, available amount of material, shapes and size of stones, purpose of drywall…)


(classroom) – conclusions

The teacher announces a new activity: all together will participate in the construction of drywall with the help of a local master.
With the master they will exchange the necessary information: 
What kind of drywall is being built? What's his purpose? What's the height you want? What is the foundation of the wall? What kind of stone can be found nearby ? What is the exposure of the future wall to wind, rainwater? What tools do they need? What are the most common difficulties and mistakes in building drywall?

Additional Info

Type of Activity: Field research, Information research, Project, Publication
Target Audience: From 11 years old
Place: Classroom, Outdoor activity
Material need: Photos of traditional buildings in the homeland, landscapes
Duration of Activity: PREPARATION:

30 minutes


2 - 3 hours

Authorship and ressources conditions to use: Pučišća elementary school
Note by Author:

Before the final step, at the Arts class students can use drywalls as a motive for making a work of art.  Students are very interested in this type of work (classroom preparation, main activity on the terrain), especially because practical work has been announced.

Topic of this Experiences: Cultural Heritage
Additional resources: Pdf Version