Biology | Chemistry | Economy | Geography | Mathematics | Social sciences

Pedagogic content

  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Carbon footprint
  • Eco-consumption


Knowledge about climate change (O1 draft).

New competencies targeted


  • Describe the greenhouse gas phenomenon  
  • Understand the origin of climate change and our responsibility  
  • Learn to be an eco-responsible consumer  
  • Do some literature research  
  • Summarize and expose information  
  • Work in team  
  • Define the different steps of products production and distribution



The teacher will choose and bring to the students the following materials:
8 –10 food products (1 product/4-students team; for example cereals, rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables…), one global map per group.


The teacher introduces the program and the purpose of this activity highlighting the impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gases and our contribution to climate change as consumers


The teacher hands out a food product and a map per group.


The teacher lets the students for 10 min read and note the information about the production place given on the product packaging.


The teacher observes each group during this session and reorients them if they are too far from the reality to define the production place of the product.


Let’s the students search for 15 min on internet for some information about the distribution places of their product.


The teacher observes each group during this session and reorients them if they are too far from the reality to define the distribution places of the product.


Students have 5 min to plot on the map the projections of train tracks and/or the sea and/or air routes between the places of production and distribution.


Students have 15 min to quantify the travels in km and in terms of CO2 emissions using online carbon footprint calculators (for example the one cited below).


The teacher lets each group (5 min/group) to expose the information collected on the product (what is it, production and distribution places, projections of train tracks and/or sea and/or air routes on the map, CO2 emissions estimation, etc.). (total duration : 30 min)


The teacher summarizes the information collected and proposes to the students to think and discuss about alternative solutions of consumption, privileging local producers or products from ranching for example, to reduce our carbon footprint as consumers. (duration 10 minutes)

Additional Info

Type of Activity: Information research
Target Audience: From 11 years old
Place: Classroom, ICT laboratory
Material need: 1 food product/4-students group
1 global map/4-students group
1 computer access and/or tablets /4-students group
Duration of Activity: IMPLEMENTATION:

2 hours

Authorship and ressources conditions to use: CPIE Bastia U Marinu No authorization required
Note by Author:

The teacher should privilege packaged products. Concerning the others, fruits or vegetables for example, the teacher should keep in mind and add a target on the product with the production place, indicated in the store shelves, and the producer name to help students to do information research on the distribution places.

Topic of this Experiences: Climate Change
Additional resources: Pdf Version