The most correct answer is b. Eutrophication is characterized by excessive plant and algal growth due to the increased availability of one or more limiting growth factors needed for photosynthesis. However, human activities have accelerated the rate and extent of eutrophication through both point-source discharges and non-point loadings of limiting nutrients.
The most correct answer is c. Pollution in the world's oceans threatens the lives of millions of wild animals and poses a great threat to the economy, the environment and human health.
The most correct answer is a. They are characterized by volume or flow velocity, physical state, chemical and toxic components, and bacteriological state.
The most correct answer is b. Air pollution in addition to affecting people, animals, plants and goods, causes other problems related to the changes that occur in its composition that need to be solved urgently by taking the necessary measures.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.